Thom Rutledge & the good Dr. Allen Berger are proud to announce that they know what a podcast is…and they even have one.

Courage is to fear as light is to darkness.
The dark never goes away.
We turn on the light.
I have discovered something more important to me than happiness: self-respect. Even on a bad day, a day when I am far from being my own biggest fan, my integrity can remain intact. That is the ultimate measure of myself, at the end of a day, and ultimately at the end of my life. It's not about what happens to me; it is always about how I respond. It's not about how I am treated; it's about what I choose to do with whatever that is. - Thom

Don't Assume You Know Why You Are Here
Thom's Monologue with God
Blackboard Bits (PDF)
A one-page download describing Thom's INTRApersonal Change Process.
Welcome to my free download page. I am a big fan of free samples. So much so that my Harper Collins editor once described my marketing philosophy as "You had better buy my book because if you don't I'm going to give it to you." He had a valid point. These days I don't give as many books away but I do always look for ways to offer something of value, whether you buy books or not. This page is one way I can do that.
Many of these downloads make excellent handouts for a workshop or just a group that can use a catalyst to begin discussion. You certainly have my permission to use any and all of what you find here. All I ask is that I am cited as the author and that some contact information always be included. That information is included already on each pdf document.
Since word of mouth is my primary marketing strategy (as opposed to threatening to give my books away) if you like my material and find it useful, your help in letting others know about my books and workshops will be much appreciated. Thanks. -Thom
If you find some of these free downloads helpful, please take a look at my newest book, The Greater Possibilities: 125 Reflections on the Method & Meaning of Genuine Success.
PROCLAMATION for a Succesful Eating Disorder Recovery
An excellent way to begin recovery and a way to review and recommit now and then.
Leave Me Alone (An eating disorder conversation)
A brief visit to the land of denial. Fun to read and maybe even a bit helpful.
Eating Disorders: Recovered or Recovering?
This is Thom's response to a question being asked of him increasingly. With this article, he clarifies that
there is no controversy here at all --- that this is a question being asked for its own sake, and that it can
actually become a distraction to quality recovery.
Don't Blame Ed
This is one is short and to the point, but is one of Thom's most popular eating disorder articles.
Specifically, this one was written to respond to criticism that Thom's methods let his clients and
readers off the hook.
Eating Disorder Recovery Diagram
This is a handout Thom uses in many of his workshops. It offers a very tangible way of thinking about
your recovery, including a way to identify problem areas.
Ed's Lies
This is an exercise in identifying eating disorder lies and challenges you to discover the corresponding truths.
Gifts from Ed
It is imperative that we understand that a choice to be in recovery is a choice to let go of an old friend who has been there, sometimes for many years. This is about respecting how very difficult doing that is.
Life Without Ed FAQ's
With the continuing success of Jenni Schaefer's book about recovering from her eating disorder (Life Without Ed) Jenni is spending more time speaking with clinicians about Thom's therapeutic approach to eating disorder treatment. To support Jenni in this, Thom responds to some questions frequently asked about his work, with this short handout.
Understanding Eating Disorder Recovery
Thom is well known for his innovative approach to treating eating disorders. This is a 3-part article describing some of his philosophy and methodology.
This is a brief description of how to do Thom's Separation Method (distinguishing between self and eating disorder) as it is done in a group setting.
Eating Disorder Aftercare
One very important point for anyone completing a residential treatment program. An essential reminder.
It is not okay to choose recovery then act as if it is being forced on you.
A series of questions submitted to Thom from an eating disorder recovery group along with Thom's responses.

The Addict's Defiance: Friend or Foe
In the treatment of addiction and eating disorders, we frequently make the mistake of thinking of denial, resistance, and defiance as the arch-enemies of recovery. Not so. (Written for Steps for Recovery in Los Angeles)
Case Study: Alcoholism and Relapse
This is a case study that originally appeared in The Psychotherapy Networker. It is a case description demonstrating some of Thom's unique approach to the treatment of addiction.
Five Stages to the First Step
This is a short description of an exercise to help people with AA's first step of recovery.
Changing the Things You Can
This one offers some practical ideas and tools for applying the Serenity Prayer to our daily lives.
Certainly Not
A humorous reflection on our fear of the unknown and resistance to simplicity.
Conversation with a Non-Believer
This has nothing to do with religion. It one of Thom's humorous pieces: a conversation with a fellow who says, "I don't believe in therapy."
Don't Assume You Know Why You Are Here
A story for anyone who has ever wondered about the specific meaning of their own life.

Positive guilt occurs when we begin to break rules that need to be broken.
Front & Back: A Therapy Conversation
In the course of a psychotherapy session, Thom prescribes a specific therapeutic exercise to address self-destructive inner-dialogue.
How we respond to fear is ultimately the measure of who we are, individually and collectively. We understand fight, flight or freeze. We just need to add one more response in the face of what scares us: LEARN.
On Genuine Success: 8 Brief Lessons for Big Change
We are all familiar with the word "success," but that simple word means many different things. Each of us has a responsibility to become clear about what we mean when we say it. Lots to consider.
Declare Independence from Fear
One page declaration based on Thom's work with changing our relationship with fear. This is both inspirational and practical.
Motivation: 5 Necessary Ingredients
Much of Thom's work focuses on motivation ---- how we get stuck and how to get unstuck. This one-page handout is essentially a checklist for effective motivation.
Walking Kirby to Class
An excerpt from Embracing Fear. This is Thom's story of his work with an amazing woman, with cancer, during the last year of her life. This one is likely to have you both crying and laughing.
The Moon
A poem about self-compassion. Worth sharing, worth framing and giving as a gift.
When Fear Is In Charge
This short piece hits us right where it counts. "No Fear" became the catalyst for Thom's book, Embracing Fear.
The Value of Ordinary
An excerpt from Earning Your Own Respect (now available in Thom's E-Book Store). If you have a fear of "being ordinary," definitely read this one.
Self-Respect & Your Personal Value System
An excerpt from Earning Your Own Respect. This piece sets the stage for understanding the importance of earning your own respect.
Stand Up to Your Worry
Worry is a constant psychological energy leak for many of us. This article offers some practical advice about how to become more "energy efficient."
The Power of Awareness
Thom says that awareness is highly underrated as an agent of change. In this article, Thom covers both the mis-use and the productive use of our increasing self awareness.
What Self-Forgiveness Is
An Excerpt from The Self-Forgiveness Handbook. This piece sets the stage for understanding that self-forgiveness is not about letting ourselves off the hook.
Two short pieces for some reinforcement if you are going home for the holidays -- and the family that you love can be a little tricky to navigate.
A short sample of Thom's Newest Book
Embracing Fear: Chapter One (excerpt)
Sample before you buy --- Read the entire first chapter of Embracing Fear.
The Self-Forgiveness Handbook: Introduction + Chapters 1 & 2
Sample before you buy --- This FREE EXCERPT available from the publisher.
The Greater Possibilities: Short Excerpts
Sample before you buy
Sit Down & Shut UP: A Guide to Simple Meditation & Practical Wisdom
The Antidote: Responding to the Ridiculous & Dangerous Over-Simplifications of The Secret