Thom Rutledge & the good Dr. Allen Berger are proud to announce that they know what a podcast is…and they even have one.

Courage is to fear as light is to darkness.
The dark never goes away.
We turn on the light.
I have discovered something more important to me than happiness: self-respect. Even on a bad day, a day when I am far from being my own biggest fan, my integrity can remain intact. That is the ultimate measure of myself, at the end of a day, and ultimately at the end of my life. It's not about what happens to me; it is always about how I respond. It's not about how I am treated; it's about what I choose to do with whatever that is. - Thom

I call Thom the shame whisperer. – Carol Carter
Thom Rutledge, your book is changing my life and opening my heart up to his long-awaited gift of self-forgiveness. Thank you!
- Natalie Machado
I discover something new about myself every time I reread one of Thom’s books. He has a gift for saying in a sentence or two what some writers say in ten! Thom’s words are straight to the point --- and go straight to my heart, where they can do the most good. Thanks, Thom.
–Janet LaLande

Thom shares openly about his experiences from both sides of the therapeutic relationship, as therapist and as client.
"Some of my best training has come from finding my way back from my own personal darkness." -Thom
THOM RUTLEDGE, LCSW, psychotherapist, author and speaker has experienced both sides of the therapeutic relationship -- as clinician and as client. He blends his personal recovery from depression, addiction and excessive self-criticism with 30 years of professional experience to guide his clients, readers, and audiences from self-judgment and perfectionism toward genuine self-compassion. Thom's trademark sense of humor, a down-to-earth practicality, and his own compassion are the common threads that run throughout his unique brand of self-help psychology. (INTRApersonal Therapy)
The author of several books, Thom also writes regularly for self-help/recovery publications around the country, includingSteps for Recovery (Los Angeles), The Phoenix (Minneapolis) and Recovery Today (national). Currently his monthy column, Nutshell Wisdom, is included with each edition of Serene Scene Magazine. His articles have also appeared in The Nashville Tennessean, The Indianapolis Star, The Chicago Tribune and The Philapdelphia Inquirer.
Thom is a frequent guest on talk radio shows from coast to coast and he has appeared on NBC’s Today Show, The Fox Network, CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360, Australia's Channel 10 and he has consulted with The Dr. Phil Show.
Thom is the author of Embracing Fear: How to Turn What Scares Us into Our Greatest Gift and co-author (with Jenni Schaefer) of Life Without Ed. If you are interested in bringing Thom to your community or organization for a keynote speech or a workshop, e-mail thomrutledgeauthor@gmail.com.