Thom Rutledge & the good Dr. Allen Berger are proud to announce that they know what a podcast is…and they even have one.

Courage is to fear as light is to darkness.
The dark never goes away.
We turn on the light.
I have discovered something more important to me than happiness: self-respect. Even on a bad day, a day when I am far from being my own biggest fan, my integrity can remain intact. That is the ultimate measure of myself, at the end of a day, and ultimately at the end of my life. It's not about what happens to me; it is always about how I respond. It's not about how I am treated; it's about what I choose to do with whatever that is. - Thom

I have had the opportunity to present with Thom at The Evolution of Addiction Treatment for the past three conferences. We presented an all day workshop titled "The Point of Intervention." The participants consistently rated this day of training very high and most felt that it was the best clinical training that they have ever attended. Thom's contribution to the success of these workshops cannot be overstated. He is an outstanding clinician and trainer. He is challenging but highly respectful of each student. He is creative and encourages each student to find their own voice and style. His didactic skills blend a fantastic sense of humor with a very commanding knowledge of the subject. I am certain any agency or treatment program would benefit a lot from Thom's teaching and clinical training.
-Allen Berger, Ph.D.
Clinical Directior
The Institute of Optimal Recovery and Emotional Sobriety
Thom is a highly skilled in the art of personal growth and interpersonal relations. His many years of experience helping people has led to a depth of wisdom that will benefit individuals who want to create a more fulfilling life. Thom has a special gift of having much depth in his teaching and adding a good dose of humor, which makes his presentations highly digestible.
-John Amodeo, PhD, author of Dancing with Fire: A Mindful Way to Loving Relationships
Thom does not pretend to have all the answers, nor does he tell us that he is leading a perfect, fear-free, self-compassionate life. That makes him one of us: a fellow human being, looking to live life fully awake. That is the kind of teacher we need.
–Oriah Mountain Dreamer, author of The Invitation
The most amazing thing about Thom Rutledge is that you learn from him, you grow from your experience, and all the while you remain totally entertained. This is true whether you are sitting with him in a therapy session, a member of an audience, or reading his books. Besides his formidable skills and talent as a clinician, Thom is an excellent teacher, a hell of an entertainer and a tremendous writer.
- Jay Tyler, Creator of Meditation Monthly
As Bill Wilson, cofounder of Alcoholics Anonymous, said: "The secrets of the universe are shrouded in simplicity." Thom taps into those wonderful secrets.
–Dan Mason, author of Parenting Our Kids While Re-parenting Ourselves